Your say on: Britain's best landmark

YouGov's nationally representative public opinion poll had previously revealed Buckingham Palace as the nation's favourite landmark with 30% of votes, closely followed by Stonehenge and the Houses of Parliament (both with 27% of the public vote).

The Olympics torch relay is well underway, showcasing the length and breadth of Britain's diverse heritage, so we put it to you in Labs - what is the UK's best landmark?

YouGov's nationally representative public opinion poll had previously revealed Buckingham Palace as the nation's favourite landmark with 30% of votes, closely followed by Stonehenge and the Houses of Parliament (both with 27% of the public vote).

We asked Lab participants to choose froom a list of famous British Landmarks and decide which one they thought was the best, including:

When it came down to it however, those of you who took part chose the very same top three - though in a different order - with most championing Stonehenge, putting the Houses of Parliament in second place, and Buckingham Palace in third.

When explaining their choices participants often argued that Stonehenge was an ancient and intriguing wonder, representing an undocumented past and attracting visitors with its natural beauty and incredible mystery.

Those who said the Houses of Parliament should top the list said they favoured its historical and architectural contribution to Britain's national identity, while Buckingham Palace was celebrated as a symbol of the royal family, for its cultural relevance, and its popularity among tourists.

Read the range of reasons given for why Stonehenge, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace made our participants' top 3:

1. Stonehenge

“It’s globally recognised and traces the history of these islands back to the days of the Celts and Ancient Britons”

“It's one of the oldest landmarks and is in an area of natural beauty

“It's history that people travel from around the world to see”

“Because of its age and the mystery that is associated with it. It is also mind-boggling how such huge stones were moved by people so long ago”

“Stonehenge is such an impressive structure, with so much mystery behind it. Some of the stones were imported from Wales, and this would have been quite a task 20,000 years ago. It is also a mystery how the stones were erected in the first place. The point of Stonehenge is also unknown and widely speculated

“Unique and special - a connection to our undocumented human past

“It's the most symbolic of our ancient history and heritage and also lends itself to the amazing British landscape”

“It shows that we have always been developed on these isles and have always been in touch with the earth moon and sun. It’s what makes the people of these islands so different to the rest of the world and so special to the world’s development”

“It is utterly unique and shrouded in so much mystery. Who built it? Why? How? What did they do there? A magnificent mystery”

“It's has a unique quality in a way newer buildings do not”

“Stonehenge is a symbol of strength and endurance, it shows that as a nation we will endure the problems of the present as we did the past troubles and emerge the same British nation”

2. Houses of Parliament

“It is an imposing symbol of democracy that is recognised the world over”

“It is unique architecturally and historically but also of immense relevance. We have many historic and beautiful castles, palaces and lakes but little else that's also of such current significance”

Everyone in the world recognises The Houses of Parliament along with Big Ben. It’s a lovely building we can all be proud of”

The home of politics and the laws, used as a model all round the world”

“Because it represents centuries of democracy in Britain and the heart of this great nation”

“Although it sometimes feels different, we are a democracy in an age when that is a precious commodity. Also it reminds us that it is claimed to be 'The Mother of Parliaments’”

“Because it symbolises all that democracy should be - which applies equally to our history and our future”

“It is a magnificent building and within its doors it represents all that we believe in - liberty, justice and freedom of speech”

“The Houses of Parliament represent our history, culture and politics. They also demonstrate the artistry and craftsmanship of those who designed, built and decorated them”

“The buildings are amazingly beautiful in their architecture and they represent the cornerstone of democracy in this country for which we should be proud”

“Because the history that has come from the Houses of Parliament is not only so rich to this nation but to the entire world. There cannot be any other building on the planet that has helped shape the current world as much as the Houses of Parliament”

3. Buckingham Palace

This is the landmark that all visitors to and from the UK place at the top of their list. Others may be more spectacular but I believe that this is visitor’s top priority to visit”

Buckingham Palace is the ‘Home of Great Britain’ it has been the centre of Britain’s joy and sorrow through the years. Even when it was bombed in the last war, the Queen said she could at last hold her head up when she visited the East end of London”

“It’s known worldwide and most easily recognisable. Our queen and royals live there. It’s part of many important and historic moments in British history”

“It&rsqbuo;s one of the most, if not the most recognisable building in the country

“It is arguably the most famous and is the scene of whole country’s celebrations and events”

“It is a recognised and known landmark worldwide; additionally, it is the home of Her Majesty the Queen who is equally well-known and respected all over the world

“It symbolises our way of life... it stands for our freedom as it is the symbol of Royalty. It stands for our history, whether that be glorious or inglorious events... it stands for the British people and what makes us who we are”

It is the Prime Landmark for this country, just like the Whitehouse is in America”

“The Monarchy is the nation's best asset and the Palace is of universal importance”

“It represents everything good about Britain. It is in the heart of the capital London, home of the royal family, great tourist attraction”

“It is old yet still relevant. It is understood (unlike Stonehenge). It captures the look and feel of something British in terms of appearance and it evokes feelings of affection among many British people”

4. Other Suggestions

Acknowledging that our list of national treasures - both natural and man-made - could not span all the wonders of Great Britain, we invited you to suggest other national landmarks and locations you thought should also rank highly on the 'best landmark' scale.

Here were the most popular suggestions:

In your view, what is Britain's best landmark, and why?

Is there a national treasure you think is missing from the list? Take part in Disqus below.

