People can't believe they've never noticed an optical illusion on the 8 of diamonds card before, have you seen it before?
People love a good optical illusion. Maybe it has to do with the fact that some of us were raised on Where's Waldo books growing up, or those '90s optical illusion posters that had throngs of kids staring at a wall for a few minutes in an attempt to see a shark, astronaut, giant bowl of ice cream, or whatever-the-heck was supposed to be hiding behind an assortment of colors and designs that seem like they were definitely conceived during an acid trip.
Sometimes there are multiple illusions packed in a single picture and depending on the first image a person sees, it's supposed to tell them something about their character. Of course, one could look towards their own actions/reactions to situations/people in their lives to discover that, but sure, why not base your personality on a quick glimpse at a drawing instead?
However, some illusions aren't "that deep" and instead exist in places that were probably right in front of our eyes for years. In the case of this particular one that's recently been making the rounds on social media, the illusion doesn't really have a hidden message or is supposed to hold a hidden secret about one's psyche. It's just a cool design choice that may or may not have been intentional.
It all started with the design of the "8 of diamonds" in a deck of playing cards. There doesn't need to be anything special about the cards, you can literally grab any old 8 of diamonds from any standard deck and you'll be able to see this optical illusion.
The "illusion" lies in the negative space of the cards. The rounded edges of the diamonds on the 8 card also help to form a perfect number 8 within the diamonds.
Don't see it in the image above? Check it out below, outlined.
People are shocked that it's taken them this long to spot the optical illusion that's been right in front of their faces for so long, while it took others a bit longer to spot the "hidden" 8 between the diamond shapes.
How old were you when you learned there was an “8” in the middle of the 8 of diamonds card?
Comment below, and if you didn’t until today, RT to share the love ♦️ 😀 #magic #illusion #teammagic #cardtricks #playingcards ♣️♥️♠️♦️🃏💫 pic.twitter.com/DlJy5YeuxZ
— Jamie Raven (@jamieravenmagic) November 17, 2018 Source: Twitter | @jamieravenmagicLook at the shape made between the diamonds.
— Saltire Sal (@saltiresal) November 17, 2018 Source: Twitter | @saltiresalOther folks replied with similar optical illusions hidden in common images. Like the arrow in the FedEx logo between the "E" and the "X."
Same question as to when you saw the arrow in the @FedEx logo? pic.twitter.com/O1dejgT7oQ
— Philip Newman-Hall (@PNH_Hotelier) November 18, 2018 Source: Twitter | @PNH_HotelierOthers posted some that look like something Poison Ivy from Batman would create, like this creepy eye hidden behind these purple flowers.
The perfect optical illusion..can you 👁 it? 🥳😄 pic.twitter.com/oi0b4b0fxU
— 𝕾𝖞𝖑𝖛𝖎𝖊❦ (@siris68) June 8, 2022 Source: Twitter | @siris68Some optical illusions are a bit more difficult to find, like this "double tiger" one. Sure, you can spot the first tiger, but what about the second one? Check it out below and see if you're able to locate "The Hidden Tiger."
If you spot the second tiger in this optical illusion you're in the top 1% https://t.co/LUq3sDdduB pic.twitter.com/tB3daNlrfr
— New York Post (@nypost) June 8, 2022 Source: Twitter | @nypostIf you are still left scratching your head, this is one of those illusions that's also part riddle because the hidden tiger you seek is literally the phrase: "the hidden tiger." It's written in the tiger's stripes, do you see it now?
And then there's the hidden elephant because, well, people love hiding animals in drawings, it seems.
This image, circulating widely on the Web, is often accompanied by text such as: "This optical illusion featuring an elephant could reveal just how good your eyesight really is." The goal is to find an elephant. pic.twitter.com/Q0lzovGGeP
— Cliff Pickover (@pickover) May 28, 2022 Source: Twitter | @pickoverIf you're having a hard time spotting that one, just flip it upside down and then give it a try. Another Twitter user below took the liberty of outlining it, too.
Upside down. I added red outline. pic.twitter.com/wCt86ycob6
— Phani Tipparaju ☮️ (@phanimt) May 28, 2022 Source: Twitter | @phanimtDo you have any favorite optical illusions? What did you think about the difficulty levels of these?